Cocoa Loco Chocolate Community

Cocoa Loco Chocolate Community

A new Chocolate Community initiative offers a 10% percentage commission on sales made via their website.

When you make a purchase on their website using the specific weblink provided below, commission from your purchases can be associated with our shop account. 

When you visit the Cocoa Loco site, you then browse and order as normal. A banner at the top of the page shows that your shopping is supporting St Andrew’s Fair Trade Shop.

Cocoa Loco link


Whilst this Covid19 situation has made it impossible for us to buy in our usual wide range from Cocoa Loco, this fantastic initiative means you have the choice of the whole Cocoa Loco range whilst still supporting the shop. As the Chocolate Community will be running all year you can send a birthday gift or thank you, any time not just Christmas and Easter.

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